Or, tu ne ris plus,

Tu ne danses plus, ne chantes plus;

Tu me sembles perdue.

Hey guys! 😉 I wish you all a super-duper Halloween! 🙂 Here are some haikus which I made today:

Number 1:

On Halloween night,

On the hour of midnight,

The full moon shines bright.

Number 2:

There was no light in,

The mind of the ghost in white,

Whose death was sad.

Number 3:

In a haunted house,

Did I enter, thinking it fun,

But soon regretful.


Here they are…

Santa Claus

The snow is coming,
Santa Claus comes soon with toys,
All kids are happy.


Father Christmas

Father Christmas comes,
Lots of letters from us kids,
Dreaming about toys.

Mark Gatiss is a actor, screenwriter, television producer, comedian and novelist. For more information on him, click here… http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Gatiss . He did a haiku:

Autumn wrong-footed
Sun gilds pale England’s meadows
Patient Winter waits

At the end of term,

All of our pools pull us in,

And we start swimming.

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It snows so much now,

Little snow flakes falling down,

The white is coming.

Now it is night-time,

Go to your bed and sleep well,

Have many sweet dreams.


Today is autumn,
With all the brown and gold leaves,
And a pile of earth.


With the rain falling,
The clouds cover up the sun,
What an unhappy day.


When it is all sunny,
All the flowers and trees grow,
And the bees are coming.


The snow is falling,
Santa Claus comes soon with toys,
All kids are happy.

A haiku is a type of poetry that first appeared in Japan. It then became popular all around the world. The most well known haiku poet is the Samurai, Basho (1644-1694).

Haiku rules:

-Use exactly 17 syllables,

-Arange the syllables in three lines 5-7-5,

-Usually about the weather and the year seasons, but not necessarily.


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