Is being human physical, psychological or both? If an android could feel emotions such as happiness and sadness as a human can, would it make said android human? For example, would pressing the off switch be considered murder if they can experience fear and therefore fear of death?

“Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?”

We are human,
We breathe, think and feel.
We all experience confusion,
Who decides if it is all real?
What if someone invents
An android, an automaton
That can feel emotions and sentiments,
Is that not a human phenomenon?
They look the same outside,
Perfectly constructed,
Feel the same inside,
So well invented,
Experience joy and pain,
Laugh and grieve,
Their tears lost in rain.
It would be hard to perceive
Such a small difference
Between birth and creation;
Is it not our experience
That makes us human?